Process Hierarchy

  5x i-line step & expose
Magnification 5
Mask plate dimension 5 inch
Min feature size 0.8 µm
Resist thickness 1.5 µm
Wafer diameter(s)
List or range of wafer diameters the tool can accept
150 mm
Wafer size
Wafer size
Equipment GCA 8500 DSW I-Line 5x Stepper
Equipment characteristics:
Batch sizes 100 mm: 25, 150 mm: 25
MOS clean no
Wafer geometry
Types of wafers this equipment can accept
Wafer holder
Device that holds the wafers during processing.
vacuum chuck
Wafer materials
List of wafer materials this tool can accept (not list of all materials, just the wafer itself).
Wafer thickness
List or range of wafer thicknesses the tool can accept
450 .. 700 µm
  • Lens Type 5:1 Tropel 2235, 22 mm dia, i-line 365 nm, 0.35NA
    Illumination Uniformity - 4%
    System Resolution - 0.7 microns
    Depth of focus - 1.5 microns
    Autofocus lens column movement - 10 mils
    system precision - 0.15 microns 3 sigma
    global alignment system registration - 0.3 microns 3 sigma
    max dye size - 22mm cicular lens dia => 15.56 square
    10 Reticle capacity
    6 inch wafers
    MDFAS - Micro Dark Field Alignment System for improved overlay - maps individual dye to a best fit scenario