Process Hierarchy

  Photoresist softbake (manual)
Batch size 1
Pressure of process chamber during processing
1 atm
Sides processed both
Temperature 80 .. 110 °C
Thermal duration 30 min
Wafer size
Wafer size
Equipment Hotplate
Equipment characteristics:
Die area
Die area the equipment can accept
0.1 .. 100 cm2
Die dimension
Characteristic dimension of dies (e.g., side length of square) the equipment can accept
10 .. 100 mm
Die holder
Device that holds the die(s) during processing
metal chuck
Die materials
List of allowed materials for dies accepted by this equipment
alumina, gallium arsenide, glass (category), Pyrex (Corning 7740), quartz (single crystal), silicon, Borofloat (Schott), silicon dioxide, silicon germanium, silicon on insulator
Die thickness
List or range of die thicknesses the tool can accept
100 .. 10000 µm
Piece dimension
Range of wafer piece dimensions the equipment can accept
10 .. 100 mm
Piece geometry
Geometry of wafer pieces the equipment can accept
rectangular, circular, triangular shard, irregular, other
Piece thickness
Range of wafer piece thickness the equipment can accept
100 .. 10000 µm
Wafer geometry
Types of wafers this equipment can accept
no-flat, 1-flat, 2-flat, notched
Wafer holder
Device that holds the wafers during processing.
metal chuck
Wafer materials
List of wafer materials this tool can accept (not list of all materials, just the wafer itself).
alumina, gallium arsenide, glass (category), quartz (single crystal), silicon, silicon germanium, silicon on insulator
Wafer thickness
List or range of wafer thicknesses the tool can accept
200 .. 10000 µm
  • Required bake to evaporate PR solvents.
  • PR coating.