""" open/dulcinea/lib/ui/note.qpy """ from dulcinea.common import format_date_time, format_user from dulcinea.note import Note, Notable from dulcinea.ui.attachment import AttachmentUI from dulcinea.ui.attachment import format_attachments from dulcinea.ui.util import popup from dulcinea.util import format_text, SAFE_TAGS from qp.fill.directory import Directory from qp.fill.form import Form from qp.fill.html import nlnl2brbr from qp.fill.widget import TextWidget, SubmitWidget from qp.lib.spec import require from qp.pub.common import redirect, page def default_decorate:xml(note, body, title='Note'): page(title, '
', body, '
') def format_note:xml(note, path='file/'): if note: if note.get_timestamp() and note.get_user(): '
%s %s
' % ( format_user(note.get_user(), name=False, email=False), '(%s)' % ( format_date_time(note.get_timestamp()))) if note.get_text(): '
' % ( format_text(nlnl2brbr(note.get_text()))) format_attachments(note, path) class NotableDirectory(Directory): def __init__(self, notable, label='admin note', decorate=None): require(notable, Notable) self.notable = notable self.set_note = notable.set_note self.get_note = notable.get_note self.note = self.get_note() or Note() self.label = label self.decorate = decorate or default_decorate def get_exports(self): yield ('', '_q_index', self.label.capitalize(), None) if self.get_note(): yield ('edit', 'edit', 'Edit ' + self.label, None) attachment_count = len(self.note.get_attachments()) if attachment_count: yield ('file', None, 'Files %d' % attachment_count, '%d File(s) attached to %s' % (attachment_count, self.label)) else: yield ('file', None, 'Files', 'No Files attached to %s' % self.label) yield ('delete', 'delete', 'Delete ' + self.label, 'Delete this note') else: yield ('edit', 'edit', 'Add ' + self.label, 'Create new note') def _q_index(self): if not self.get_note(): redirect('edit') return self.decorate(self.note, popup(format_note(self.note)), title='View ' + self.label) def edit(self): form = Form() form.add(TextWidget, 'text', value=self.note.get_text(), hint=("Enter or add the text of your note. Although not " "required, you may also wish to include the " "following HTML markup tags to improve " "readability: %s. All other HTML markup will " "be displayed 'as is'. Finally, Things that " "look like email addresses and URLs will be " "turned into hyperlinks (e.g. things that begin " "with 'http://' or 'mailto:'." % ', '.join(SAFE_TAGS)), rows=30, cols=100) form.add(SubmitWidget, 'save', 'Save') form.add(SubmitWidget, 'cancel', 'Cancel') if form.get('cancel'): redirect('.') if not form.is_submitted(): return self.decorate(self.notable, form.render(), 'Edit ' + self.label) self.note.set_text(form['text']) self.note.set_timestamp() self.note.set_user() if self.get_note() is None and not self.note.is_empty(): self.set_note(self.note) elif self.get_note() is not None and self.note.is_empty(): self.set_note(None) redirect('.') def delete:xml(self): form = Form() form.add(SubmitWidget, 'delete', 'Delete') form.add(SubmitWidget, 'cancel', 'Cancel') if form.get('cancel'): redirect('.') if not form.is_submitted(): return page('Confirm Delete', '' % self.label, form.render()) if form.get('delete'): self.set_note(None) redirect('.') def _q_lookup(self, component): def _note_file_decorate(attachable, body, title): return self.decorate(attachable, body, title + ' for ' + self.label) if component == 'file': return AttachmentUI(self.note, decorate=_note_file_decorate)